Custom High Precision IR Optics and Lidar Polygon Mirrors

Germanium Lens

Release time:2022-02-10 10:02viewed:times
  • Germanium Lens
  • Germanium Lens

Germanium Lens

The transmittance range of optical germanium material is 2-14um, and its refractive index is as high as 4. Germanium lens and germanium window are widely used in thermal imaging system.
Because germanium material has high refractive index, the surface reflectivity is very high (R>30%), so optical germanium elements usually need AR coating.


Germanium lenses specifications:

Standard precision


Dimension Tolerance



Thickness Tolerance




3 arc minute

1 arc minute

Surface Quality




N<λ/2@633nm(in 25mm)

N<λ/10@633nm(in 25mm)

Clear Aperture




Protected <0.5mmx45deg

Protected <0.5mmx45deg

Germanium Coating

   Custom germanium windows ,lenses and prisms are available in any size and configuration. Anti-reflection coatings can be applied for 2-14µm or 8-12µm (BBAR coating or DLC/BBAR) depending on your custom application.



Germanium properties
Chemical FormulaGe
Crystal FormPoly or Single Crystal
Crystal ClassCubic
Resistivity, Ohm*cm5-40
Lattice Constant, Å5.66
Molecular Weight72.60
Density, g/cm3 at 300 K5.33
Dielectric Constant for 9.37 x 109 Hz at 300 K16.6
Melting Temperature, K1210
Thermal Conductivity, W/(m K) at 293 K59
Thermal Expansion, 1/K at 298 K6.1 x 10-6
Specific Heat, cal/(g K) at 273-373 K0.074
Debye Temperature, K370
Bandgap, eV0.67
Solubility in waterNone
Knoop Hardness, kg/mm2800
Mohs Hardness6.3
Young's Modulus, GPa102.66
Shear Modulus, GPa67.04
Bulk Modulus, GPa77.86
Poisson's Ratio0.278

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